Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Disappointments to Blessings

I've come to realize that God turns past disappointments into blessings. In the moment of disappointment, it's hard to see the positive. We need to see from God's perspective.

"Every time something thwarts your plans to desires, use that as a reminder to communicate with Me. A benefit is that disappointments, instead of dragging you down, are transformed into opportunities for good. This transformation removes the sting from difficult circumstances, making it possible to be joyful in the midst of adversity. When you reframe setbacks as opportunities, you find that you gain much more than you have lost." - Jesus Calling

At the end of my senior year, my friend and I applied for college housing and requested to be roommates. My college has recently built new dorms, and we were so excited to live in a nice space. In addition, my college still has two older dormitories. We both applied for housing fairly early in order to have a better chance at getting our first preference, the nice dorms. Summer rolled around and housing announcements came out. My friend got into the dorm known as the "sketch dorm" with no roommate, and I got into a nice dorm with random roommates. We didn't let it freak us out to much because we thought, "No big deal. They mess things up all the time. We'll just email them." So, we emailed them about the mess up and waited a couple of weeks for a response. I wasn't worried; I trusted that God would bless us with our desires. I thought, "He is just probably testing our trust, and He will give us our preference." Well, our updated housing announcement came out, and to our surprise, our situation was not fixed. The only thing that changed was my random roommates switched to another random roommate. So what did we do? We emailed them again. And again. And again. The housing department told us that the only way for us to be together is if I requested to be moved to the "sketch dorm." So I did just that. I thought, "I'd rather be in a not-so-nice dorm with my friend than a nice dorm with a stranger, who could make it not nice." This is when the worry and disappointment started to kick in. I kept thinking "All things work together for those who love the Lord" (Romans 8:28) "So why is this happening to us?" Little did I know what the Lord was doing.

Here we are in the "sketch dorm" and loving every bit of it. We've come to realize that we much rather this dorm than the nice dorms. I've met so many amazing people in this dorm that I would not have met if I lived in the other dorms. I have an amazing life group that I wouldn't be in if I lived in a different dorm. In addition, the location and parking is so much more convenient, and not to mention that God blessed us with the renovated floor.
Sure, we get locked out of our bathroom sometimes. Sure, our laundry room is in a "sketch" basement, but hey, thank the Lord for the opportunity to come to college. Plus, these "issues" seem so petty in the grand scheme of things, and aren't really issues if you really think about it.
Looking back to our disappointment over the summer, we've realized that God knew just what He was doing. Although He did not give us what we wanted, He had something better in mind. He turned our disappointment into a blessing. Here I am saying, "Hello from the other side." We got to watch what God was doing. God has always taken care of me and He always will. How could I expect anything less?

With all that being said.... Whatever situation you may be in, just remember that God knows what He is doing. Try to look through the lens of God's perspective. Experience and feel God right there in the middle of your situation/disappointment. Behold and stand strong.You may not get what you want, but God knows what's best for you.

We may not see what He is doing now, but one day everything will make sense.

"You do not realize now what I am doing, but someday you will understand." - John 13:7

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