About Me

Hi! Welcome to my little space on the internet! My first name is Candace and my middle name is Hope! I named this blog icanhopee because I can(dace) hope for... [fill in the blank]. Get it!? I am 18 years old and am preparing to embark on the college adventure/ journey in fall of 2015. I expect these upcoming years to be ones of great lessons, growth, adventure, and fun! If you would like, come along as I travel down God's path for me and discover more and more of His plan for me!

I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Having a relationship with Him and trying my best to please Him is really important to me. I would not have gotten through high school without Him, and I know He will guide me through college just the same. I put my hope and trust in Him; He has and never will fail me.

I like to watch Hallmark's Home and Family morning show (I dream to one day be on this show!), Hallmark movies, and HGTV's Fixer Upper! I love taking pictures, painting, baking, and gardening! I have a blanket fetish! My favorite foods are watermelon, figs, all fruits, veggies, cookies, donuts, brownies, chocolate, and salmon! You can expect to see my adventures, art, college posts, food recipes, gardening, and devotional posts!

My goal for this blog is to spread hope to everyone who stumbles upon! I want people to get inspired and leave feeling full of hope for their life! I also, intend to simply share whatever is on my heart with you! I want to inspire others to pursue God. I want to love God so much that it inspire others to do the same! With that being said, I must disclaim that I am not perfect and my relationship can be like a roller coaster. I will admit, materialism gets in the way a lot! I like fashion, but I have to be careful! Hopefully with y'all holding me accountable, the roots can grow deeper and deeper.

"I do not mean that I am already as God wants me to be. I have not yet reached that goal, but I continue trying to reach stand to make it mine." - Philippians 3:12


You can email me at canpuleo@gmail.com

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