Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Fix Your Focus

One rainy Monday morning I drove back to college, trying to make it back in time for my class. I pulled in to find no available parking spaces where I usually park. I resulted to parking in the adjacent parking lot, quickly unpacked, and made it to class.

The next time I went back to my car, Wednesday night, I found two parking tickets. What a damper on my mood and day. I couldn't stop thinking about those tickets. I continued on my way to Bible study, and to no coincidence, God showed up. The message was exactly what I needed to hear. If I would have continued to focus and dwell on my mistake, I would have missed the precious moments in front of me. One the girls said, "if the issue won't matter a week or month from now, it's not worth your focus." Don't waste your energy dwelling on problems or issues. Fix your focus on God and others.
I thought, "I will apply for an appeal, and if I don't get it, I will pay the money and move on." No use dwelling over what has already happened.
Don't let issues get in the way of living your life now.
About a week later, I checked my email and found that both my citations had been reduced to a warning! PRAISE THE LORD! (My roommate and I did a little happy dance!)
Looking back, these citations were nothing but a tiny bump in the road. They deserved none of my worry or stress.

Recently I've been having stomach issues. It's really been bothering and aggravating me to the point of "why do I have to deal with this?" I encountered a self check when my mom told me about her patient who can't breath. It hit me. Here I am complaining about my slight stomach issues, when there's people out there who are bedridden and can't breath on their own. I realized how thankful I should be, and how my focus needs to change. Instead of focusing on what's wrong with me, I should be focusing on what's right with me. I can breath, walk, talk, hear, see...
Stop focusing your attention on the bad and start focusing your attention on the good.
Your whole mood and outlook will alter.

"For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace." - Romans 8:6
"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things." - Colossians 3:2

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