Monday, June 2, 2014

Overcoming Overwhelmed

I've been researching and diving deep into the blogging world all day and all I can say is that I am quite overwhelmed.  I get myself caught in this burdensome emotion often so I though I would share my tips on how I get out. 

1. Take a step back. Get away from all electronics and to do lists. Take a breather. Do something you enjoy. I like to sit outside on my swing and listen and watch God's creation. The birds chirping, the trees, the flowers, and the fresh air help me get back to the now. 

2. Jesus Calling. My all time favorite book that has gotten my through my high school years. This book is in the perspective of Jesus directly talking to you on a daily basis. It is immensely comforting and soothing. It gives me peace and reconnects me with my Lord after getting caught in the somersault of the world. It's incredible how the things you could be dealing with on a certain day correspond with what Jesus tells you on that day! For example, today is June 2 and it says "Relax in my healing, holy Presence...." Isn't that crazy! God is truly amazing! (you can get this book at Walmart!) 

3. The Bible. I know what your thinking "such a cliche tip" or "I don't know where to begin." First of all, there's a reason this is a cliche tip, because it works. Nothing is measurable to the feeling of peace you get from reading the Word and soaking in the Lord's presence. Don't worry about the amount you read. Sometimes I find one small sentence that completely changes how I feel. I remember sitting in Bible classes and the leader would get up and say "you need to read the Bible..." I would pretend I didn't hear him or I would make up excuses as to why I didn't need to. The Jesus Calling book is how I got started reading the Bible. There are a few scriptures that correspond with each day at the bottom of the page. Sometime in 8th grade (a hard year for me) I picked up the Jesus Calling book (that my mom had given me and that I had thrown on the shelf) and started reading it every night before bed. It changed my perspective on so many things and gave me peace in times of hardships. It wasn't long after that I started looking up the scriptures every night, as well, and even reading the scriptures surrounding the ones listed. I think it is important to get a Bible that you can understand. I know some versions that I read make me feel like I'm reading a different language! I love the New Century Version! It's easy to read and, well, awesome! The Youth Bible is the title. Look these up! - 2 Thessalonians 3:16, Isaiah 41: 13, Psalm 46: 10

Disclaimer: I am in no way a Bible scholar. I still mess up and struggle with every day challenges. I just want to share what has gotten me through so many hardships and difficulties. 

I hope this helped! Have a great day and don't forget to let go, relax, be still, and spend time alone with God!