Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Love is not an emotion. Love is not a feeling. Love is not short-lived.

Infatuation is an emotion and a feeling. Infatuation is short-lived.

Love is a choice. Love is everlasting. Love is sincere. Love has no borders.

Love is dying to yourself and putting others before you, suffering for the sake of someone else.

You must CHOOSE to love someone.

Showing someone patience and kindness is love. Love is not easily angered. Love is not prideful.

Love always protects, trusts, HOPES, and always perseveres.

Perseverance - steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty and delay in achieving success.

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves." - Romans 12:10

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

A New Year

My new years resolutions are more lifelong goals. I will strive to reach them all my life - to fall deeper and deeper in love with God and to inspire others to do the same. There's an infinite amount of love to be reached and an abundant amount of people who need Jesus. I only hope that I have impacted at least one person before I die.

"Enjoy the adventure of finding yourself through losing yourself in the Lord" - Jesus Calling

I want to let God mold and shape me into the person He created and designed me to be. We are the clay and He is the potter. Take me, mold me, and use me.
"Lord, you are our father. We are like clay, and you are the potter; your hands made us." - Isaiah 64:8

I want to follow the will of God for my life instead of making my own plans.

Life in Jesus is a rebirth experience with opportunities to start fresh. Not only is each new year a fresh start but so is each day.