Thursday, May 28, 2015


So if you've never heard of geocaching before, you probably have no idea what it is. Let me tell you, it's basically every adventurer's dream - a huge scavenger hunt! You download the app and make a free account. Once your logged in, you should see a map with dots. Those dots are geocaches! You can go on a hunt to find these geocaches! Once you find one, there should be a log where you can record your name! When you're done, put it back so other people can find it! If I'm not making much sense (which I'm probably not lol) check out this video!

Monday, May 11, 2015

First Eno Experience

I am so excited to share my first eno experience with y'all! I had my last day of high school on Friday, and afterwards, we adventured to our local park. My friend has an eno so we set it up between two branches and enjoyed the beautiful day. I had so much fun, and I enjoyed every bit of the eno hammock! It brought us close together and allowed us to bond and grow closer. This is our last summer together so it's important to cherish the time we have left together. I can't believe my high school experience is over, but I am excited to see what God has for me next!